
Friday, July 22, 2016

ARC Review: Going Down Easy by Carly Phillips

I like this book. It's a good boss/personal assistant romance with a few twists.

Lexi's life is not going according to plan. She had a great future set out for her but gave it up to take care of her sister. I can personally relate to Lexi's story and I really liked her as the leading character. Lexi takes a job as Kades assistant and I'm not exactly sure why. Lexi's dad seems to have plenty of money. He is one of Kade's primary investors and actually gets her the job with Kade. I would think he would just help Lexi out while she helped her sister but, ok, whatever. It brought Lexi and Kade together so how mad can you be that it didn't necessarily make sense?

Kade is the typical sexy nightmare boss and alpha male. The thing about Kade is that he's got real hurt in his past and real trust issues when it comes to women. Even though Kade was kind of rude at first, I really felt for him and liked him right away. I was kind of surprised by how quickly Kade decides that his relationship with Lexi is not going to remain strictly professional. Kade is instantly taken by Lexi's ability to stand up to him. Most people wilt when Kade goes all big bad wolf on them but Lexi stands up to Kade and he really likes it.

I loved that Kade does not waste any time letting Lexi know what he wants BUT, Kade knew that his personal issues would get in the way of a long term relationship. This happens in a lot of books but I always find it mildly irritating when characters hook up even though they know they are not looking for a relationship. It's ok if that is communicated but Kade never told Lexi about his issues. Luckily, Lexi was used to dealing with difficult personalities and quickly picked up on some of Kade's issues and was able to work around them. I think Kade is the first male Hero I've read about who had some mental issues (ADHD and mild OCD). Let me just reassure you, it does not overshadow his character and really did add some fascinating layers to this book.

The life circumstances and personal issues of these characters make this book more believable and less forgettable. I recommend you give this one a try.

**ARC provided by RockStarLit PR**

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  1. I really enjoyed this story and the both of the characters. Kade was different with his issues and I really enjoyed how strong Lexi was. Great story!
