
Monday, January 4, 2016

ARC Review: What You Need by Lorelei James

It's day 3 of 2016 and it's shaping up to be a 3 star year so far. This is my second Lorelei James book and while I really like her writing style and character development, things went kind of left with the hero and heroine in this story.

What You Need is the story of Brady and Lennox. Brady is the CFO of Lund Industries, he is also a Lund. So he's a rich devastatingly handsome millionaire. When we first met Brady, I really liked him. I wanted to jump up and shout when I figured out that Lorelei was giving us a Hero who wasn't a ridiculous manwhore. In fact Brady was a little awkward and didn't fully appreciate his assets. Brady had been a acne ridden nerd in his high school days and he never recovered from the trauma. And I loved that about him. It was so refreshing to read about a Hero who wasn't completely sure of himself and who hadn't banged everything in the local hemisphere. Brady meets Lennox because she is a secretary at his family's company. Lennox is basically trying to go straight after a childhood spent as a wild child. Brady is attracted to her because she is one of very few people who doesn't pander to him but actually speaks her mind. There is a mutual attraction between the couple that eventually leads to a relationship.

Ok, so here are where my issues start with the book. First, it took a long time in the book for the initial hookup. I don't think the couple gets together beyond a few conversations that weren't entirely pleasant until like the 30% mark in the book. If you're wondering what happens during all the preceding pages the answer is kind of nothing or not much anyway. We get a lot of the back story on Brady and Lennox and the supporting cast of characters (who I really like) but I found myself getting really impatient for the part when we actually get a romance between the main couple. When the romance does begin, I thought the book was going to really pick up and take off but then it kind of didn't. The book was good but nothing really happened.

The conflict in the story line was all internal to the main characters and linked to their insecurities, silly actions and misunderstandings. That is something that I find extremely aggravating in romance plots. The characters in this book are 28 and 32 so I don't expect them to behave like characters in a NA novel but they sort of did. I understood from the extensive background information we got on both characters why they might have behaved as they did, I just didn't like it.

There are pieces to this book that are really good. Some of the banter between the characters was really enjoyable. Brady's family was fun to read about. I particularly liked the little intervention they staged for Brady in response to him living like a hermit. Oh, and yes, the sex scenes are pretty good. My only issue is that I didn't necessarily love the way the pieces to this book fit together and the characters started to get on my nerves. If you like a little NA splashed into your contemporary romance, give this one a try because the writing really is good.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |


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